
Complicating gender

Towards a new model of identity and differences in organizations...

Most models of identity and differences disseminated through diversity trainings focus on one dimension of difference at a time. The practice of addressing one aspect of identity as if social differences were lived independent of each other is a big mistake. A woman of color, for example, is made invisible and voiceless by only focusing on one of her differences. Should she be counted as a woman, a Black employee, or an ethnic? What about other differences that influence her like being a lesbian of working class background? Based on her research on “simultaneity” or the intersection of identities, Dr. Holvino discusses the assumptions of this new model and explores its practical implications using a case study from her organizational practice. The challenges and promises of this approach for 21st century global organizations are explored.


Improving class relations in organizations

Confronting the myths of the classless society...

Most US Americans are not comfortable admitting that they recognize class distinctions in our supposedly “classless” society, but they do! Powerful myths about class relations undermine diversity and inclusion goals because they hide the impact that class differences have on workplace interactions, symbols, identities, participation, collaboration, advancement and productivity. In this session, Dr. Holvino brings class issues into the open by providing a common language, showing four ways in which class operates in organizations, and exploring what organizations are doing to diminish the negative impact of class differentials in organizations.


What you should know about Hispanics

Insiders’ views on culture’s influence at work...

Latinos are the largest minority group in the United States, but because of their complex identity and strong stereotypes about them, getting to understand their needs and use their talents is not always easy. This session increases participants’ understanding of eight cultural scripts – learned ways of thinking and doing – that influence Hispanics’ choices, interaction styles, career journeys, and aspirations. Based on research on the influence of cultural scripts in the career of Latina mid-level managers, participants learn about the power of cultural scripts, explore how cultural scripts apply to other groups and discuss recommendations to address the impact of cultural scripts in the global workplace.

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