Highlights of new work on simultaneity

Here are some highlights of Evangelina's latest work on the intersections of differences, diversity and inclusion: The Simultaneity of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality and Nationality.

Using her model of the simultaneity of identities, she presents a perspective on differences to introduce new ways of understanding identity, diversity, inclusion and social power. Dr. Holvino begins by critiquing common models of identity in the practice of diversity from a transnational feminist perspective. She traces the historical development of these identity models: from one-dimensional to intersectional to simultaneous. Secondly, she expands on the simultaneity model of identity analyzing the public figure of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to illustrate its applicability and to articulate skills of working with a simultaneity model. She concludes with a discussion on the potential and challenges the simultaneity model poses to engage with the multiplicity and complexity of identities in today's globalized world. Some of the objectives she addresses when giving seminars on this topic are, for example,

• Understanding the story of identity models in the USA since the 1800s and its relevancy to globalization in the 21st century.

• Identifying key premises of different models of identity and exploring their implications for Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice in organizations.

• Discussing 5 skills and challenges on applying a simultaneity model of identity, and

• Assessing one's willingness and readiness to engage with new models of differences such as simultaneity.

Please join us for a FREE interactive discussion on Intersections of Differences and Identity:The Simultaneity Model and New Ways of Managing in Organizations, Thursday, April 21st, 12-1:00 PM eastern, 11:00 AM central, 9:00 AM pacific. Sponsored by the NTL Institute. To register, click here.

This June, Evangelina will lead the workshop Class, Race & Gender and Other Intersections of Differences offered by the NTL Institute June 22-24, 2011 in the Washington DC area. The workshop will provide opportunities to learn the model and how to apply it in organizations. For more information please contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Dr. Holvino recently finished a chapter entitled "The simultaneity of identities: Models and skills for the 21st Century," to be published in New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development, 2nd edition, edited by Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe and Bailey W. Jackson III. (Eds.), New York University Press.

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